11 March 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

I did not think I would ever start a blog. The whole idea of sharing my private life with the entire world seemed selfish and egotistical.

So what changed?

As I began researching ultrarunning I found many blogs to be valuable sources of information, motivation, inspiration…and many other tion’s. As I learned more and more from these people my perception of what a blog might be shifted. Of course there are many bloggers who fit my initial assessment but there are many other beneficial bloggers who showed me different way.

The other main reason is that I was planning a big event this year (the TRT165) and I did not want to keep forwarding information to each person who asked about it, nor did I want to create a website. So, a blog was a convenient way to provide information to people.

So, does that mean I am going to post every time I stub my toe or get a new pair of underwear? Probably not (I do want to keep my options open though!).
The purpose of this blog is to provide information from the perspective of a newbie. The questions I have going into ultrarunning, the multitude of questions that will arise along the way and how I went about getting those questions answered.

Hopefully when I read this years from now I will be able to laugh at myself a little (and not cringe too much).


Anonymous said...

Hi Michael, the TRT165 has been on my list for a couple of years now. I am hoping to do it as a 2-3 day run... I'll be very interested to hear about your experiences there!

Also, thanks for the link to my blog - it's great to see that others are reading it. As you no doubt gathered, I am rather sceptical of the forefoot running concept as a panacea (I know it isn't identical to barefoot running). Still, I am definitely of the opinion that it is of benefit to some runners, so please feel free to come and share your experiences and opinions on www.endurancescience.com - as a scientist, I believe that we never find the truth, we just get closer.

Cool review on the EVOs - I might have to give them a try.


Latarian M said...

Hey Michael

Cool to read about your TRT goals... I look forward to following along.

I found you blog because I was trying to find your comment on Anton's blog about his modified shoe. I clicked on your name hoping it would show all comments.. but it led me here.

Anyways, all the best for your goals in 2010.